The Scoop
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- Paul Sudbrock
- Outreach
- Hits: 3893
Out of the refugees, three have come forward seeking contact with Christians and Church. They have fear to express that they are "christian" in front of the other refugees. Please pray for guidance and discernment. It is very exciting, but my greatest wish is to glorify Christ, live by example and love them. Please pray for a harvest. These last days in which we find ourselves are days of opportunity for the gospel.
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- Paul Sudbrock
- Outreach
- Hits: 4116
I went to the gym today where the refugees are being lodged until housing can be acquired and renovated. I helped by translating, organizing German classes, being a cultural bridge. I was allowed to pray with some of the refugees. May God continue to direct and open doors to the hearts of men. translating, organizing German classes, being a cultural bridge. I was allowed to pray with some of the refugees. May God continue to direct and open doors to the hearts of men.
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- Paul Sudbrock
- Letters
- Hits: 4793
I had a wonderful trip to my childhood. As a young person, nothing was more precious to me then meeting Jesus on my knees, having Him use me in unexplainable and sometimes radical ways. Soon after trusting Christ, he used me, as a little boy, to lead an adult to Him. Man was I excited! As ministry can become a thing you do rather than a miracle that God is doing with you, so have I at times sensed the wonder of my childlike fascination, dependence and joy, becoming foggy through the stresses of adulthood.
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- Paul Sudbrock
- Ponderings
- Hits: 4932
Departing from sin, being appalled by sin, being vocally against sin, with love preaching repentance and forgiveness are the very nature of the being of a Christ follower. To embrace, ignore or to remain silent about sin is to be accomplice with sin and thereby an enemy of HIM, who alone is the righteous Judge.
2Tim. 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ DEPART from iniquity.
He will set His mark! The precident has been stated.
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- Paul Sudbrock
- Ponderings
- Hits: 5246
God practices "equality", "For all have sinned..." (Rom. 3.23)
He commands all to repent and believe. (Ac 17:30)
He then commands believers to, " speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority!"
Titus 2:11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, 12Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; 13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
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- Paul Sudbrock
- Ponderings
- Hits: 5286
Romans 1 is clear and incredibly applicable today. Beware to those who fly a "Proud" colorful banner claiming that abhorrent sin is "equal" to Holy Matrimony. Their position is grounded in a denial of God as creator God. They are not Christ followers. They are deceivers of themselves and those who are simple. They are proud of their sin.
Oh, those who are simply “happy about the change”, but are not "practitioners" you are not in the clear. Revelations chapter 3 calls you lukewarm. The last verse of Romans 1 is the clincher, “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”
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- Paul Sudbrock
- Outreach
- Hits: 4306
We had a great time at our Baseball BBQ. 25 parents and players were present. The majority had never been to our church before. That fact gave rise to many great questions and opportunities to share the gospel. One particular couple, without any connection to church, God or the Bible, was so interested that telling of the gospel story was so easy and natural that it felt like a dream. The cool thing is, they grasped the simplicity of the need for forgiveness and reconciliation so naturally. Please pray for T___’s family as the Holy Spirit applies the spoken Word. They are so excited about our church and spoke of visiting. T__’s mother had perused our website before considering coming to our BBQ. She was so excited to see how many activities our little church offers.
Baseball is an outreach that seems to be catching traction. We were present during the school’s open house. It was great to meet more parents and present baseball as a sport. This is just one more way for our influence in the community to be used in spreading the gospel.
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- Paul Sudbrock
- Letters
- Hits: 5550
This is the statement that a man recently gave me as a reason for not wanting to believe in Jesus. After hours of answering all kinds of questions about God spanning from “Christianity” in History to God’s very existence. In the end, this was his holdout. “I was told what I must do throughout my childhood, youth and as a young adult in the former GDR. No one will tell me what I must do.”
After explaining that Christ is the exclusive Way, Truth and Life as the only means to the Father, I gave him this example; “I don’t know how to get to your house and you tell me to follow you, but I refuse, as I don’t want anyone telling me what to do. Will I find your house?” This example got him thinking. Please pray for Mr. R. Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to remind him of his need.
Read more: “I will not have anyone tell me what I “must” do.”
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- Paul Sudbrock
- Ponderings
- Hits: 5577
I John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
I thank God that this promise is not dependent upon the findings of the “Court of Public Opinion.”
Neither is this promise:
Romans 8:1 There is therefore NOW NO CONDEMNATION to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
The only conditions are confession/repentance of sin and faith in Christ as the righteous Savior. It is then, a done deal.
Read more: The Forgiven and the Forgiver are made One in the Process