The Scoop
Old Scoop - In the wrong place
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- Paul Sudbrock
- Old Scoop Site
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In the wrong place.
I just removed a really nice cucumber from my vine. It was nice and long. It really looked like it was going to mature nicely, but it had itself in a very dangerous location. It had grown along the vine and at it's base. Sounds good eh? Close to the roots where it could get plenty of water. The problem was it's position. If it were allowed to mature, it would have strangled the rest of the plant as both it and the pant weaved in and out of the fence in the same location. It would have pinched the life out of the rest of the vine with it's growth.
John the baptizer said, "He must increase, but I must decrease." (John 3:30) This is the proper attitude for all Christians. The vine and other's on the vine are more important than one nice fruit. We need to check our position to the vine and the needs of others. If we are not careful, unlike John, the Master may need to remove us before our time.