The Joy of Youthful Discovery
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- Paul Sudbrock
- Prayer Request
- Hits: 4894
There is nothing quite so nourishing to the soul of a Christian as seeing the light and excitement of a young disciple discovering a truth and growing in the faith of the Lord Jesus. I love to see our two young converts grow in faith. We will baptize them in a few weeks. Yesterday was our first session after the two met with the Judge to determine their status as to whether they can stay in Germany. Please pray for A… as his meeting didn’t go as well as R…’s meeting. At the very least, A… needs prayer. He is a sweet shepherd and the whirlwind of stress that he has been thrown into is often overwhelming. Please pray that the Judge will decide in their favor. Sending these two converts back to the middle east would be a death sentence for them. Below is the graphic we designed for our first tract in Persian.
It illustrates Jesus preaching; "repent and believe the gospel" and Ephesians 2;8-9. God's grace (Zeraphat) comes and brings salvation (Nejat) to those who repent (Tobe) of sin and believe (Eteghad) in Jesus the Messiah.