An Appointment Please
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- Paul Sudbrock
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I received an interesting call from one of Chelli’s English students who has been helping refugees learn German. He requested an appointment to bring some of these men to meet me. The reason was so out of the ordinary that I was uncertain what to expect. We set the time and date and began to prepare by gathering materials and consulting with other pastors and missionaries. I knew that the men spoke very little German and some English, but knew little more about them.
Our meeting lasted almost two hours. You see, this was an appointment to receive Christ! I have never had such a request before. I was excited from the moment I received the phone call, until my guest, R….. finally made the call that changed his life at the end of our meeting as he asked Jesus to save him.
You may be curious as to why the meeting lasted so long. In preparation for the meeting, I called a missionary who has extensive experience ministering with this particular people group. He was excited for the opportunity and at the same time cautious. Germany has been flooded with immigrants and refugees in the last few years. The system is strained beyond imagination. With so many, there is the possible motivation of wanting to “become Christian” as a means of “gaining favor” in the process.
My mentor, cautioned me to be thorough in the gospel presentation and I took his council seriously. R____ has been faithful to attend church, inviting friends, and is eager to learn. The process is time consuming as he is not only learning about the Lord and his new faith, but he is learning German as well. It is amazing, how easy it is to teach a willing mind! Please pray for this new disciple of Christ.
Our other outreaches are continuing and A___ has his own apartment and is riding his bike to church. Each Sunday, we meet half an hour before services to introduce a new Bible verse that they are encouraged to memorize. Naturally, the verses are chosen primarily to present the gospel and secondarily to teach the German. The men are showing great progress in both areas.
Another opportunity has presented itself from our refugee ministry this last week. A group of immigrants from a country in S.E. Africa has asked us if we will start a weekly prayer meeting with them. It will be exciting to introduce them to the person of Christ as we meet together for Bible study every Wednesday.
God continues to use us in the schools and community centers in the area and we are excited to see him draw people to himself through our lives.
Thanks so much for your support!
Paul, Chelli and the Sudbrock Kids.
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