Every time we reorient on a new end date for the lockdown it is extended. There are many adjustments that we have made.  Thankfully, the German court opposed some of the obvious anti-constitutional measures. At one point, we were not allowed to travel more than 15 kilometers from our residence.  That was quickly revised to 15 Km from the city limits and later overruled.

Non-essential businesses have been closed since before Christmas.  Building supply stores are closed to the general population.  They have developed a slight workaround.  You can order via the internet and then pick up your order via appointment only.  If I only had a construction license it would make our many church and school projects so much easier.

We are endeavoring to get the gospel out despite lockdown. Chelli came up with the great idea of a Neighborhood Free Library. So, I set out to build a little weatherproof book box during Covid Lockdown to house a Little Free Library as an outreach.  The adventure took a little while to get it finished and hung on the fence, but it is a success.  We have stocked it with Bibles, children’s Bibles, devotionals, books by Christian authors, and classic literature as well as some of the children’s books that our children have outgrown.  It has been well-accepted in the community and we are beginning to see a rotation of the materials.  If you would like to help us keep this library stocked, please mark your donation: “Bibles”. We are planning to open two more of these little libraries: one at the school and then one at the church as well. 

Our next brainstorm was a postcard with links to several sites such as Bible apps, the series "The Chosen", devotional sites, and our church's digital contact information.  Sadie did the artwork for the front. It includes the phrase, “Be merciful…” from Luke 6:36. We are currently in the process of canvassing our city with these since, here in Germany, we can place materials in mailboxes for free.

Thankfully, we are still permitted to meet in person at our church building for Sunday morning services.  In addition, I am doing a daily 3 min video devotion available over our church’s site.

Our postcard offers further contact to our church with the option of a free Bible, Christian video, and other literature.  Pray that God will use these outreaches.

Pray as the schools begin to open again that our openings there will be effective as well.

A special thanks for the special offerings, especially during these uncertain times.

So thankful for all you do to help us do what we do,

The Sudbrock Family