
We had a great time at our Baseball BBQ. 25 parents and players were present. The majority had never been to our church before.  That fact gave rise to many great questions and opportunities to share the gospel. One particular couple, without any connection to church, God or the Bible, was so interested that telling of the gospel story was so easy and natural that it felt like a dream. The cool thing is, they grasped the simplicity of the need for forgiveness and reconciliation so naturally. Please pray for T___’s family as the Holy Spirit applies the spoken Word. They are so excited about our church and spoke of visiting. T__’s mother had perused our website before considering coming to our BBQ.   She was so excited to see how many activities our little church offers.

Baseball is an outreach that seems to be catching traction. We were present during the school’s open house. It was great to meet more parents and present baseball as a sport. This is just one more way for our influence in the community to be used in spreading the gospel.


We are considering a Baseball camp next summer. God willing next year will yield enough growth in our Baseball Team to make the camp viable as a summer outreach.

I just want to brag on my kids, who not only pitched in to make the event possible, but also voluntarily filled gaps with spontaneous music.  Afterwards, they helped tirelessly in the cleanup. I am so blessed with a great family.